Zelp for Agriculture
NZ Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is very high in a variety of micronutrients making it an excellent source of various minerals - minerals that many animals are deficient in.
As a health supplement kelp supports the thyroid gland. A normal functioning thyroid gland is required for all other organs to work properly.
“If an animal is deficient in iodine, no matter what vitamins or minerals are given, they will not be assimilated properly until the iodine requirements have been met”
Dairy & Cattle
Cattle love it
Affordable - as little as 2 cents/head per week
Easy to use
Improved immune system
Improved conception rates, more live births, healthier offspring
Improved animal condition and fatter animals
Improved feed efficiency
Improved milk yield
Reduced incidence of mastitis, milk feveription
We recommend 1kg of Zelp Kibble per 100 cattle per week (10g per cow per week)
We recommend 1kg of Zelp Kibble per 50 Dairy cows (lactating) per week (20g per cow per week)
Cattle will generally self-regulate their intake. Simply put a container in a paddock and fill it with 1kg for every 50-100 animals in the paddock. If the animals are deficient in Iodine, they will consume it quickly but as their Iodine levels rise they will eat less.
Improved immune system
Improved conception rates, more live births, healthier offspring
Improved condition and fatter animals
Improved feed efficiency
Reduced health problems
On average we recommend 1kg of Zelp Kibble per 1000 sheep per week (1g per sheep per week).
Sheep, will generally self-regulate their intake of Zelp. Sheep need different amounts of iodine at difference times of the year. Sheep require the most iodine one month either side of tupping and one month either side of lambing. During these times give 100-200g of Zelp Kibble for every 100 sheep per week. Iodine supplements are not essential outside these times but you can reduce the quantity to 25g kelp per 100 animals per week if you want. Sheep, will generally self-regulate their intake of Zelp. Sheep need different amounts of iodine at difference times of the year. Sheep require the most iodine one month either side of tupping and one month either side of lambing. During these times give 100-200g of Zelp Kibble for every 100 sheep per week. Iodine supplements are not essential outside these times but you can reduce the quantity to 25g kelp per 100 animals per week if you want. Put the kelp in a container in the paddock and refill weekly or until the Zelp has been consumed, whichever occurs latter.
Put the kelp in a container in the paddock and refill weekly or until the Zelp has been consumed, whichever occurs latter.
Add to feed box. Make sure you have a salt block beside so the animals don’t try to get their salt from the Zelp. Rock salt is much cheaper than Zelp.
Add to trough
Add to other feed at correct ratio
Improved immune system
Improved conception rates, more live births, healthier offspring
Improved condition and fatter animals
Improved feed efficiency
Reduced health problems
On average we recommend 1g of Zelp Kibble per 50kg of animal weight per week
Add to feed box. Make sure you have a salt block beside so the animals don’t try to get their salt from the Zelp. Rock salt is much cheaper than Zelp.
Add to trough
Add to other feed at correct ratio
Improved immune system
Improved conception rates, more live births, healthier offspring
Improved condition and fatter animals
Improved feed efficiency
Reduced health problems
On average we recommend 1g of Zelp Kibble per 50kg of animal weight per week
Add to feed box. Make sure you have a salt block beside so the animals don’t try to get their salt from the Zelp. Rock salt is much cheaper than Zelp.
Add to trough
Add to other feed at correct ratio
"We've been giving our alpacas kelp and seaweed in various forms for 20 years, and we also use it to enhance our soil and pasture.
Zelp is a great addition to our alpacas' diet, especially for our lactating females, providing essential minerals and trace elements. We keep it in their sheds so they can eat it whenever they need. It fits perfectly with our natural farm management and keeps our herd healthy and happy."
Anya - Shamarra Alpacas
Improved immune system
Improved conception rates, more live births, healthier offspring
Improved animal condition
Reduced health problems
For an average sized horse of 500kg we recommended approximately 10g (or two levelled teaspoons) of Zelp Kibble per week. This can be added directly to their feed or given as a supplement on the side. For smaller or larger horses adjust the quantity in proportion to the difference in size (i.e. for a 250kg animal give 5g or one teaspoon per week)
Add to feed box. Make sure you have a salt block beside so the animals don’t try to get their salt from the Zelp. Rock salt is much cheaper than Zelp.
Add to trough
Add to other feed at correct ratio
Improved immune system
Improved conception rates, more live births, healthier births
Improved condition and fatter animals
Improved feed efficiency
Reduced health problems
We recommended approximately 1g of Zelp Kibble per 50kg of animal weight per week.
Add to feed box. Make sure you have a salt block beside so the animals don’t try to get their salt from the Zelp. Rock salt is much cheaper than Zelp.
Add to trough
Add to other feed at correct ratio
Improved immune system
Improved egg quality
Improved condition and fatter animals
Improved feed efficiency
Reduced health problems
On average we recommend 1g of Zelp per 50 chickens per week
Mix in mash
Feed with other feed